Biplab's thoughts: 10/01/2007 - 11/01/2007

Friday, October 26, 2007

We are all Schumpeterians now!!

The great Austrian economist once coined a beautiful term called 'Creative Destruction'. Entrepreneurs will define the new economy with their innovative approaches breaking established business models. Aren't there enough signs today to believe this?

Friday, October 19, 2007

Its the question of 600000 villages

2001 census gives data of 6,38,596 villages in India. Hopefully number will be lot less now in 2007. If we can create some rural hub with some good roads to main cities and proactive approch in extending credits in agriculture related areas then I am sure GDP can surpass 10% within next 2-3 years.

Banks must come forward to have proper communation mehanism to rural people to make them aware about financial products related to agri loans, crop insurance etc.

Slightly more investment in primary education can do wonders.
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